Our Services
Strategic advisory
We offer strategic advisory for managers, teams and groups. This can include a series of meetings or workshops. We also engage in longer partnership projects.
strategy workshops
futures sprints
systems mapping
experimentation planning
We offer talks on various topics for your internal or external events. Invite us for a staff meeting, strategy day, conference or a retreat.
Potential topics:
Experiential futures: collective imagination and futures prototyping for hopeful sustainable futures
Wild ideas from the future
Journey management - leading customer experience
The next 10 years of design in government
Creativity and service design
We can also customise and develop bespoke talks to your organisation.
We run programmes for groups of organisational teams. Our programmes include workshop days, an online community & web materials and team specific coaching sessions.
Our current programme is for Finnish government organisations on journey management. We are collaborating with JourneyOps and Spark Design Ltd.
Our lab is a platform for experimentation, shared learning and communities. The lab offers free content and a subscription service. Our lab develops new recipes for change.
See more below
Our lab develops new recipes for change and experiments on frameworks.
Currently we are working on recipes around:
Experiential futures: futures prototyping and collective imagination
Policy design for futures, participation and multispecies.
Inner development, embodied practices combined with sustainability and futures education for young people
Articles about service design, strategic design and government. Free content.
Work in progress... Soon, you will be able to subscripe to our paid content on Substack. This will include curation of interesting topics and a selection of in-depth articles.
We are facilitating and holding space for communities in practice. Currently, we have two active communities:
Nordic Baltic Design in Government community
EU policy design community